Opening Hymn;
TLH # O Come O Come Emmanuel
Closing Hymn:
TLH #50 Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
Opening Hymn;
TLH # O Come O Come Emmanuel
Closing Hymn:
TLH #50 Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
Opening Hymn;
TLH #70 Hosanna to the Living Lord
Sermon Hymn:
TLH #98 Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Closing Hymn:
TLH #653 Now the Light Has Gone Away
Opening Hymn:#55
Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come
Closing Hymn #53
Abide O Dearest Jesus
Opening Hymn #73
Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates
Sermon Hymn;#76A
Great and Mighty Wonder
Closing Hymn: #653
Now The Light Has Gone Away